Early Childhood: Typical & Atypical Development

Your Price: $234.00
Course Number:WKS 1769

Location: Internet

Instructor: Virtual Education Software (VESi) Staff

This course explores contemporary best practice and perspectives on early childhood development. Content includes patterns and sequences of typical development for children from birth to six years. Emphasis is on individual differences, cultural influences, and the impact of developmental delay and disability during infancy, toddlerhood, and the preschool years. Discussion will also include instructional technology (IT) and assistive technology (AT) applications for this population.

30 PDPs received after successful completion of this course.  To register for PDPs through Berkshire Community College, please call (413) 236-2127 or email [email protected].  VESi recommends that you check with your school district and/or state licensing agency to verify this course offering will meet your district and/or state requirement for salary advancement and/or state certificate re-licensure.

Click here for the syllabus.

For more information about VESI, please click here to watch a short video.