6th Annual Berkshire Natural History Conference

Your Price: $25.00
Not for Sale Online. Please see description below for registration information.
Course Number:WKS-FA22 5040 E1

Student Price is $15, use code student at checkout

9am-4pm; registration and check-in starts at 8:15am

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts - Church Street Center

Various Presenters


The 6th Annual Berkshire Natural History Conference will feature presentations by local and regional naturalists as well as acclaimed authors, will take place on October 1, 2022 at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, Church Street Center in North Adams, MA.

The event will appeal to naturalists, Berkshire residents, as well as visitors. Students of all ages and disciplines are especially invited.

Please help us celebrate our return to the site of our first Berkshire Natural History Conference. As usual, there is an impressive list of speakers, exhibitors, and displays to entice, inform, and entertain students and adults. Topics this year range from bears and mosses to really little organisms that live within the layers of a leaf.